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Fimio App
Published By • 20 June 2024

Welcome Fimio Platform Alpha

We are glad to be back. For the last six months, we’ve been heads down building and are excited to share with you all what we believe is a truly transformative product and new way of shipping AI products.

Robot juggling blocks
Published By • 20 June 2024

Learnings from doing ML on web3 data

From the experiments we ran in web3, we came to the conclusion that the best way to approach it is to think of the web3 as a beta-level next generation web infrastructure.

Fimio brand logo
Published By • 20 June 2024

Embracing Change: Our Decision to Pivot from Web3

After a lot of brainstorming, soul-searching, and spirited discussions, we've decided to pivot from our previous focus on Web3 technology and move in a new direction.

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imho API Alpha
Published By • 20 June 2024

Fimio API Alpha 0.0.1 with Data Supported by Spice AI

Fimio's Malicious Smart Contract Detection API: Protecting Your Web3 Applications with Data Provided by Spice AI
Alpha Launch
Published By • 20 June 2024

Announcing Fimio’s Malicious Smart Contract Detection Alpha 0.0.1 Release

With Fimio, you focus on writing the code, and we will focus on giving you the information you need to safely build complex architectures.
Hummingbird over Denver
Published By • 20 June 2024

A Developer's Small EthDenver Retrospective

Conference-scale events like EthDenver are important. They are the center everyone is drawn into and the center out of which numerous different smaller events emerge. But while it might be the big things that bring us together, I believe it's the small things that keep us going.
Ceramic Hummingbird Blanket
Published By • 20 June 2024

Fimio Day 4 @ EthDenver

Hello Frens, we are back with our day 4 recap of EthDenver. And the word of the day for us was ceramic security. Bear with me and it will all make sense.
Fimio App
Published By • 20 June 2024

Welcome Fimio Platform Alpha

We are glad to be back. For the last six months, we’ve been heads down building and are excited to share with you all what we believe is a truly transformative product and new way of shipping AI products.
Robot juggling blocks
Published By • 20 June 2024

Learnings from doing ML on web3 data

From the experiments we ran in web3, we came to the conclusion that the best way to approach it is to think of the web3 as a beta-level next generation web infrastructure.
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